Tuesday, March 20, 2007

300 vs probably Everyone

'300' - The movie - has not yet arrived in the U.A.E.
But, you can be sure that the message of the movie has reached most Persians, both in Iran and living abroad.
As a half Iranian myself, I have read about the movie and find it, in mild words, deeply offensive.
What is most disturbing about this movie is not that it lacks historical accuracy. It is not that Xerxes, the Grandson of Cyrus The Great and loving husband of Esther, is shown as an over-sized drag queen. It is not even the outdated racist cliché of casting the Persians as Africans and the Spartans as white, blue-eyed 'Chippendale dancers,' when in reality the roles may well have been reversed.
What is more worrying about this movie is the tremendous power Hollywood holds in making out a people's identity, which can be likened to the nightmare Native Americans endured during the whole 'cowboy-movie' genre.
Some might dismiss this movie as a 'cartoon', which is not to be taken too seriously, but I beg to differ. I do not think people will leave unaffected by its contents.
Movies are powerful.
Just think of the last movie you saw that made you think and even look at things differently.
Art is free. Art should be used in any way, shape or form one choses to use it.
But I disagree when it is used as a propaganda machine.
We are living in times when the President of the United States seeks support for another war against another “Axis of Evil”. He needs to appeal to hate, fear and ignorance to get it.

Now I am not going to go on and on about this. I have decided to post links if you are more interested to read about the movie in more detail. Also here.

But what I have decide to do here is to present to you the more creative ways of retaliating against this.

Why not retaliate through art?

Project 300 has managed to get websites to link to its website, where people can look at art, which is informative of the Persian Culture. Check out its gallery, some awesome and unique art can be found there as well.
In a more general attempt to inform the public of contemporary Iranian art and artists and to further lessen the gaps between the East and West, Beyond Persia
'celebrates the work of Iranian Artists living outside Iran.
Artists, Musicians, Writers, Poets, Designers, and filmmakers are all celebrated here.
These are creative, edgy American residents and citizens from all walks of life, who share only their Persian roots and an obvious love of art.'

Art provokes feelings, thoughts and ultimately intellectual discourse and discussions. This in turn creates a feeling of cultural connection and understanding, something well needed in the world of today.
We are here, we are in the Middle East, we can and should help educate as much as we can, where it is needed.

Please help me in spreading the word and let's try to broaden our minds.

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