Monday, April 9, 2007

To Go or Not To Go

Living in Dubai has meant big changes on a monthly, no sorry weekly, no sorry again, daily rate.
Roads, buildings, roads again (don't let me get into the subject of changing routes/roads arggghhh), malls and even people change faster than you can say FROG and therefore some new changes are welcomed and some not.
The one very positive thing that has occurred in the past 2 years is that the city has seen much more cultural activities added to its list of activities.
Which is great really. Seeing as going on a shopping marathon on a daily basis will eventually, not not tire you out, but empty your bank account.***
Very quickly.
So, yes, more cultural activities, happening and gatherings.
Among these, we have the concerts.
And yes before you start going on and on about how badly organized the Shakira concert was, I am sorry, I didn't go, so wasn't there and don't really care.
But, I am now stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I am not sure if I should go to see the man with the biggest mouth in the world.
Or should I say first runner up biggest mouth in the world.
Mick Jagger clearly is on the first place.
Runner up is Steven Tyler and his band Aerosmith.
Ok, for those of you who are NOT die hard fans of Aerosmith, how many songs can you honestly say you know of the band? I can honestly admit I might know of 3,4 songs.
Now you might ask me why would I then even consider going?
Well, the thing is, I like those 3,4 songs and even though we are indeed getting more and more used to seeing superstars here, I am not THAT sure I will ever have the chance to see Aerosmith again.
I mean, come on, honestly, let's face it, the guy is not the most youngest pea in the pod.
But then again, is it still worth it.
As you can see, I really can't decide.
I am stuck between going to the big mouthed man's concert, or staying home and perhaps watch them on TV, in the comfort of my own cosy sofa, where I can sing along and make fun of the big mouthed man.
HELP. Anyone.

***Has happened to me a number of times. Very, very unfortunate.

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